Before & After Care
Information for New Patients including medical intake forms and cancellation policy.
New Appointment Guidelines
Important points for before and after your first visit.
Before Your Treatment
After Your Treatment
Please arrive at your appointment time. I cannot accommodate clients that are more than 15 minutes late. You will need to reschedule.
Please ring the buzzer that says Kim Foster Acupuncture. Give me a minute to come get you at the door and escort you upstairs so you don’t get lost!
Bring work out type shorts and a camisole type top.
If you plan on working out before your appointment please drink plenty of water and have had either a meal or snack.
Eat a meal with protein and lots of veggies, drink plenty of water.
For the best results it is recommended that people decrease all inflammation generating foods, beverages and substances. These include dairy, gluten, refined (white sugar), soy, corn, tobacco. Increase servings of vegetables especially leafy greens and water intake.
Unless you are a professional athlete, please DO NOT WORKOUT after your appointment so that you can give your body time to integrate the treatment. Gentle stretching is okay.
If you are sore from the Tuina, take an Epsom salt bath, use a Chinese Herbal ligament or a CBD cream. You may experience soreness for several days following your treatment. This is normal since we are breaking down the adhesion’s in the soft tissue.
Call or text the office with any questions or concerns following your treatment.
What to expect after your treatment and information on Cupping, Gua Sha, Tuina and their aftercare:
Cupping Aftercare Information
Gua Sha Aftercare Information
Tuina Aftercare Information